First Degree Assault Maryland - Snow Hill, Md. - Late last week, a Pennsylvania man was charged with first-degree domestic violence.

The charges stem from an Aug. 25, 2019, incident near a motel on Baltimore Avenue. Nukis Humphrey, 27, punched the female victim in the head in front of an Ocean City police officer and several witnesses. . The impact knocked the girl unconscious and she fell and hit her head on the pavement. Officers immediately attempted to arrest Humphrey, who repeatedly attempted to return to the victim.

First Degree Assault Maryland

First Degree Assault Maryland

After a brief standoff with the police, he was arrested. Other officers began to assist the victim, who was shocked by the helicopter due to his injuries. Witnesses at the scene said they heard Humphrey yelling at the victim over the phone about breaking her car windows before the incident. Police later discovered the victim's car had one window broken and several shoe prints on the other.

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The victim suffered a broken jaw and fractured skull as a result of the attack and is still receiving medical treatment for his injuries.

Humphrey was sentenced to a total of 25 years in prison, with all but 20 years suspended. He will also be on supervised release for five years.

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